Map of Metal

I am one of those people who loves to learn interesting facts that are absolutely useless. When I listen to great music, I always wonder the influences that a band uses to create their unique sound. Incredibly, only a hundred years ago music was drastically different than it was today, and then 100 years before that it was even more different.

I found a great map of the current scope of sub-genres in the metal music industry called The Map of Metal. on each style is a blurb that talks about how that genre is defined and its characteristics and its origins. right next to that is a list of albums that epitomizes that sub genre. When you click on one of the albums, a window on the right plays a YouTube video that contains the audio for some of the tracks on that record.

It’s a very useful page if you are looking to listen something specifically.

Did any of you find any of your favorite bands on there?