
Does anybody remember Napster? That was one of the greatest times in American history until misguided artists and bands jumped on the copyright bandwagon. I myself downloaded a decent amount of albums, mainly the entire library from AFI, and that was on oldschool AOL dialup.

We’re about 10 or so years past that and have some killer services like Pandora and I personally love those sites, but I really dislike how they dont let you chose some of the songs you want to hear. Its kinda frustrating when you have a song stuck in your head that you want to get rid of, but the only way to rid it would be to listen to it about 18 times in a row. That’s where Grooveshark steps in.

I learned about grooveshark a few years ago from a friend I frequently attend concerts with. you can pick and choose your own playlists and listen to them without getting any random songs that you prefer not to hear. I think they might have some limitations. I just looked up Korn and they didnt have all of their albums, but they did for Wicked Wisdom, sevendust, Static-x and Devildriver. I guess it depends on the record label of the band you are looking for.

The only downside, obviously, is you can’t download any of the tracks so you can load em up on your iPod unless you buy them and there is no IOS or Android app version. There does seem to be a mobile browser version for your mobile device here.

Does anybody have other suggestions for online music streaming?

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